Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New organic material may speed Internet access

An international team of researchers has developed an organic material with an unprecedented combination of high optical quality and strong ability to mediate light-light interaction and has engineered the integration of this material with silicon technology so it can be used in optical telecommunication devices.

Mar 15th, 2009

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The greening of propane

The process to turn propane into industrially necessary propylene has been expensive and environmentally unfriendly. That was until scientists at U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory devised a greener way to take this important step in chemical catalysis.

Mar 13th, 2009

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Ion beam experiments for materials

Three new experimental units for conducting materials research are being inaugurated today at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt.

Mar 13th, 2009

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Lessons from a frustrated magnet

Scientists in Japan and Korea have developed a quantum theory that explains how temperature and quantum fluctuations - a direct consequence of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle - affect the properties of materials called multiferroics.

Mar 12th, 2009

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Startschuss fuer Anwendungscluster Nanotechnologie

Um den Transfer der wissenschaftlichen Nanotechnologieforschung in die industrielle Anwendung zu erleichtern, haben die IHKs der Metropolregion Stuttgart gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer IAO das Anwendungscluster Nanotechnologie initiiert.

Mar 12th, 2009

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