Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Germany's version of MIT established

With last month's passing of the bill for the 'Act on the KIT Merger', the cabinet of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg has set the course for the legislation procedure to establish the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

Apr 12th, 2009

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Leading-edge data analytics and visualization enable breakthrough science

Most science research programs that run on high-performance computers like the IBM Blue Gene/P Intrepid at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) generate enormous quantities of data that represent the results of their calculations. But scientists can also use the ALCF to visualize, explore and communicate their findings as highly accurate simulations and often beautiful images.

Apr 10th, 2009

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New method could lead to narrower chip patterns

Researchers at MIT have found a novel method for etching extremely narrow lines on a microchip, using a material that can be switched from transparent to opaque, and vice versa, just by exposing it to certain wavelengths of light.

Apr 10th, 2009

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Tunisian nanosciences and nanotechnologies days

A study day attended by several Tunisian and foreign experts in nanotechnologies was organized on Thursday in Tunis. The study day which was held at the national institute of applied sciences and technologies of Tunis (INSAT), laid the groundwork for the second edition of the Tunisian nanosciences and nanotechnologies Days due to be held in Tunis in July 2009.

Apr 10th, 2009

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Physicists discover important step for making light crystals

Ohio State University researchers have developed a new strategy to overcome one of the major obstacles to a grand challenge in physics. What they've discovered could eventually aid high-temperature superconductivity, as well as the development of new high-tech materials.

Apr 9th, 2009

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