Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Wie finden unzaehlige Atome ihre Positionen im Kristall?

Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) foerdert die international ausgerichtete 1. Chemnitzer DAAD-Sommer-Akademie zum Thema 'Strukturbildung - Von der Atomwolke zum Kristall (Structure Formation - From a Cloud of Atoms to a Crystal)'.

Apr 28th, 2009

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Arizona State University boosts materials science and engineering

Nathan Newman, a professor in ASU's Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, has been selected as the first to hold the Lamonte H. Lawrence Chair in Solid State Science. The position provides Newman resources to help ASU develop a world-class program in materials science and engineering.

Apr 27th, 2009

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Oversight of next generation nanotechnology

In a landmark paper, Oversight of Next Generation Nanotechnology, J. Clarence (Terry) Davies calls for a new Department of Environmental and Consumer Protection to oversee product regulation, pollution control and monitoring, and technology assessment.

Apr 27th, 2009

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MIT will become home to two new Energy Frontier Research Centers

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology will be home to two of 46 new multimillion-dollar Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) announced today by the White House, in conjunction with a speech delivered by President Barack Obama at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences.

Apr 27th, 2009

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