Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

$1.5 million grant to explore how graphene can replace silicon in microchips

The U.S. Department of Defense announced May 8 that a Cornell team led by professor of electrical and computer engineering Michael Spencer will share a $1.5 million, five-year grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research to fabricate graphene, a one-atom thick layer of carbon, in large sheets suitable for use in microchips.

May 20th, 2009

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Researchers engineer nanoparticles for targeted delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology has demonstrated a better way to deliver cancer drugs directly to tumors by using specially engineered nanoparticles that can inhibit a signaling pathway and deliver a higher concentration of medication to the specific area.

May 20th, 2009

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New alloys offer alternative to chrome

Researchers have developed a new nickel-tungsten alloy that is not only safer than chrome but also more durable. The new coating, which is now being tested on the bumpers of a truck fleet, could also replace chrome in faucet fixtures and engine parts, among other applications.

May 19th, 2009

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