Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Streaming sand grains help define essence of a liquid

Water forms droplets because attractive interactions between molecules produce surface tension. If macroscopic objects - say, grains of sand - replace the molecules, the relative strength of this attraction would dramatically drop. What vestiges of liquid behavior remain in such ultra-low surface tension limit?

Jun 24th, 2009

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Salt block unexpectedly stretches

To stretch a supply of salt generally means using it sparingly. But researchers from Sandia National Laboratories and the University of Pittsburgh were startled when they found they had made the solid actually physically stretch.

Jun 24th, 2009

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Danish-Chinese cooperation fuels nanotechnology research

Danish and Chinese researchers are making advances in the world of nanotechnology as they work together to develop electronic components. The fruits of their labour will contribute to fuelling the electronic, energy and communications industries.

Jun 24th, 2009

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