Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New $400k EPA grant for nano-ecotoxicology

Clemson scientist Stephen Klaine has been awarded two $400,000 EPA grants to study a subject that did not exist a decade ago. Klaine is part of the young field of nano-ecotoxicology: the investigation of the impact that nanoparticles have on the environment.

Jul 2nd, 2009

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Studying gothic art with the Grenoble synchrotron

Science and technology are becoming increasingly involved in the world of art. Scientific advances and new technological instruments are opening new doors to fields of knowledge to which they had been previously closed. Art is one such case in point.

Jul 2nd, 2009

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In search of the 60-year household light bulb

New developments in a substance which emits brilliant light could lead to a revolution in lighting for the home and office in five years, claims a leading UK materials scientist, Professor Colin Humphreys of Cambridge University.

Jul 2nd, 2009

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UAlbany NanoCollege and New Energy New York to feature clean energy technologies at New Energy Symposium

The expanding clean energy sector in New York State - including research supporting renewable energy technologies and the resulting business and economic development opportunities and impact - will take center stage at the fourth annual New Energy Symposium, to be presented July 8 and 9 by New Energy New York and the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering's Energy and Environmental Technology Applications Center.

Jul 1st, 2009

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Design tool for materials with a memory

Shape memory alloys can 'remember' a condition. If they are deformed, a temperature change can be enough to bring them back to their original shape. A simulation calculates the characteristics of these materials.

Jul 1st, 2009

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