Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

The latest NIOSH nanotechnology research notes

Four recent accomplishments underscore the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH) internationally recognized leadership in working with diverse partners to further research on the occupational safety and health implications and applications of nanotechnology.

Aug 12th, 2009

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Camera flash turns graphite oxide into graphene

A Northwestern University professor and his students have found a new way of turning graphite oxide - a low-cost insulator made by oxidizing graphite powder - into graphene, a hotly studied material that conducts electricity.

Aug 12th, 2009

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Princeton pair sets world record in sphere packing puzzle

Finding the best way to pack the greatest quantity of a specifically shaped object into a confined space may sound simple, yet it consistently has led to deep mathematical concepts and practical applications, such as improved computer security codes.

Aug 12th, 2009

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