Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Trapped electrons spell longer life

Researchers in France, Germany, Switzerland and the UK have discovered new electron properties that could lead to useful applications in computers and lasers.

Aug 19th, 2009

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Ultra-thin antibacterial material requires only low doses of silver

In a presentation today to the American Chemical Society meeting, Ankit Agarwal, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described an experimental approach to wound healing that could take advantage of silver's anti-bacterial properties, while sidestepping the damage silver can cause to cells needed for healing.

Aug 19th, 2009

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Mit dem Mikro-Shuttle in lebende Zellen

Wissenschaftlern des Max-Planck-Institutes fuer Kolloid- und Grenzflaechenforschung in Potsdam-Golm, der Jacobs University Bremen und der Queen Mary University London ist es erstmals gelungen stoffwechselresistente Mikrokapseln in lebende Zellen einzuschleusen und deren Inhalt durch Laserimpuls mit exakter zeitlicher Kontrolle freizusetzen.

Aug 19th, 2009

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