Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A nanosensor to detect diseases

Researchers from the Basque technological centre CIDETEC-IK4, the Higher Centre for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the University of Berkeley (U.S.) have developed a highly sensitive electrochemical sensor that can detect possible mutations in DNA more quickly than has been possible in the past.

Sep 7th, 2009

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Scientists achieve new state in quantum physics

EU-funded researchers in Austria investigating ultracold atomic physics have generated an exotic state wherein atoms are aligned in a one-dimensional structure, creating a stable 'many-body phase' with new quantum mechanical states.

Sep 7th, 2009

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Nanotechnology's strong multidisciplinary roots documented in new study

Research reported in the September issue of the journal Nature Nanotechnology finds that nanoscience and nanotechnology indeed are highly multidisciplinary - but not much more so than other modern disciplines such as medicine or electrical engineering that also draw on multiple areas of science and technology.

Sep 7th, 2009

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Two-photon microscopy reveals function of neglected structure in neurons

Fifty years after it was originally discovered, scientists at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research have elucidated the function of a microscopic network of tubules found in neurons. This structure modulates the strength of connections between two neurons, thereby contributing to our ability to learn and to adapt to new situations.

Sep 7th, 2009

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