Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanotechnology concrete is the winner of the 2009 MIT Elevator Pitch Contest

A panel of venture capitalists and industry specialists named Nanoengineered Concrete, an entry in the Energy category, the winner of the 2009 MIT Elevator Pitch Contest. This three-year-old contest, which is open to MIT students from across its five schools, neighboring colleges, and Boston-area entrepreneurs, allows competing teams 60 seconds to deliver a persuasive elevator pitch to the panel of judges.

Nov 2nd, 2009

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Nano Initiative showcases Austrian nanotechnology

Research into the most minuscule of things can have an enormous impact, as will become evident at 'NANO: Science. Industry. Impact. 09'. The event is set to take place at Tech Gate Vienna Monday, November 9, 2009, providing a framework for the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) to present the past successes of the NANO Initiative - a program to promote research and development in nanotechnology in Austria.

Nov 2nd, 2009

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German-Singapore research symposium on catalysis

The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)'s Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences (ICES), German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Unifying Concepts in Catalysis (UniCat) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) are pleased to present a first of its kind joint symposium dedicated to the advancement of catalysis on 2 November 2009 at Biopolis, Singapore

Nov 2nd, 2009

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Novel method for manufacturing nanowires

Danish nanophysicists have developed a new method for manufacturing the cornerstone of nanotechnology research - nanowires. The discovery has great potential for the development of nanoelectronics and highly efficient solar cells.

Nov 2nd, 2009

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Novel nanotechnology approach to make 'hidden' solar cells

Converting sunlight to electricity might no longer mean large panels of photovoltaic cells atop flat surfaces like roofs. Using zinc oxide nanostructures grown on optical fibers and coated with dye-sensitized solar cell materials, researchers have developed a new type of three-dimensional photovoltaic system. The approach could allow PV systems to be hidden from view and located away from traditional locations such as rooftops.

Nov 1st, 2009

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Mouse tumor reduced after just one nanomedicine treatment

Duke University bioengineers have developed a simple and inexpensive method for loading cancer drug payloads into nano-scale delivery vehicles and demonstrated in animal models that this new nanoformulation can eliminate tumors after a single treatment.

Oct 30th, 2009

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