Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Give your opinion on the Nanotechnology Research Code of Conduct

The European Commission has opened a public consultation in order to receive input from all people and organisations involved or interested in nanosciences and nanotechnologies research in Europe, and notably research, policy makers, industry, media and civil society organisations.

Nov 6th, 2009

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Magnetic nanoparticles to simultaneously diagnose, monitor and treat

Whether it's magnetic nanoparticles (mNPs) giving an army of 'therapeutically armed' white blood cells direction to invade a deadly tumour's territory, or the use of mNPs to target specific nerve channels and induce nerve-led behaviour (such as the life-dependant thumping of our hearts), mNPs have come a long way in the past decade.

Nov 6th, 2009

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CAREER award for contributions to stem cell analysis

Recipient of a 2009 National Science Foundation CAREER award, Professor Brenda Ogle is developing stem cell analysis tools that offer researchers the flexibility to study not only individual cells, but also multicellular entities and small tissue-engineered constructs.

Nov 5th, 2009

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