Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

First measurement of cancer biomarkers in whole blood

A team led by Yale University researchers has used nanosensors to measure cancer biomarkers in whole blood for the first time. Their findings could dramatically simplify the way physicians test for biomarkers of cancer and other diseases.

Dec 13th, 2009

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Light-generating transistors to power labs on chips

What started out as 'blue-sky' thinking by a group of European researchers could ultimately lead to the commercial mass production of a new generation of optoelectronic components for devices ranging from mobile laboratories to mobile phones.

Dec 11th, 2009

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Reaching the summit of protein dynamics

In a groundbreaking study this week in Cell, Brandeis researchers reveal for the first time computationally and experimentally the molecular pathway that a protein takes to cross the energy barrier, the 'climb over the mountain'.

Dec 10th, 2009

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