Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanosystems capture and destroy circulating tumor cells

Just as fly paper captures insects, a pair of nanotechnology-enabled devices are able to grab cancer cells in the blood that have broken off from a tumor. These cells, known as circulating tumor cells, or CTCs, can provide critical information for examining and diagnosing cancer metastasis, determining patient prognosis, and monitoring the effectiveness of therapies.

Jan 13th, 2010

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Nanoparticle cocktail targets and kills tumors

A team of researchers from two of the National Cancer Institute's Centers of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence have teamed up to develop a 'cocktail' of different nanometer-sized particles that work in concert within the bloodstream to locate, adhere to and kill cancerous tumors.

Jan 13th, 2010

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Key piece of puzzle sheds light on function of ribosomes

When ribosomes produce protein in all living cells, they do so through a chemical reaction that happens so fast that scientists have been puzzled. Using large quantum mechanical calculations of the reaction center of the ribosome, researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden can now provide the first detailed picture of the reaction.

Jan 13th, 2010

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Neue Optik mit Metamaterialien

Metamaterialien haben besondere optische Eigenschaften: Zum Beispiel brechen sie Licht in eine andere Richtung als alle natuerlichen Materialien, sie haben also einen negativen Brechungsindex. Mit dem EU-Projekt NIM_NIL wollen Wissenschaftler des ISAS solche Metamaterialien fuer sichtbares Licht herstellen.

Jan 13th, 2010

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Theorists close In on improved atomic property predictions

Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Indiana University (IU) have determined the most accurate values ever for a fundamental property of the element lithium using a novel approach that may permit scientists to do the same for other atoms in the periodic table.

Jan 12th, 2010

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Scientists quantify nanoparticle-protein interactions

A research team at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has quantified the interaction of gold nanoparticles with important proteins found in human blood, an approach that should be useful in the development of nanoparticle-based medical therapies and for better understanding the physical origin of the toxicity of certain nanoparticles.

Jan 12th, 2010

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Meta-Roadmap Nanomaterialien

Vorrangiges Ziel dieser Roadmap, die im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) erarbeitet wurde, ist die Unterstuetzung aller Akteure aus Forschung, Industrie und Politik bei der mittelfristigen strategischen Ausrichtung zukuenftiger Aktivitaeten zur Erforschung und Entwicklung innovativer Nanomaterialien zum Einsatz in verschiedenen Anwendungsfeldern.

Jan 12th, 2010

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