Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Multiple wavelength laser helps silicon chip see the light

Assoc. Professor David Moss, a senior researcher at The University of Sydney, leads an international team which has developed a multiple wavelength laser on a silicon chip that produces light to process and transmit information, and in doing so will speed up computing.

Jan 21st, 2010

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Thermogeneratoren die auf Nanomaterialien beruhen

Die Wissenschaftler des Nano-Netzwerks CeNIDE der Uni Duisburg-Essen verfuegen ueber einen entscheidenden Vorteil: eine Technologie, mit der sich Nanomaterialien in grossem Massstab herstellen lassen. Solche Anlagen sind weltweit noch sehr selten - allerdings bilden sie die Voraussetzung dafuer, dass Thermogeneratoren, die auf Nanomaterialien basieren, ueberhaupt zur Serienreife gebracht werden koennen.

Jan 20th, 2010

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An electrifying advance toward tomorrow's power suits

Could powering an iPod or cell phone become as easy as plugging it into your tee shirt or jeans, and then recharging the clothing overnight? Scientists in California are reporting an advance in that direction with an easier way of changing ordinary cotton and polyester into 'conductive energy textiles'.

Jan 20th, 2010

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How do free electrons originate?

Scientists at Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP) in Garching and Greifswald and Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin have discovered a new way in which high-energy radiation in water can release slow electrons.

Jan 20th, 2010

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MicroRNA: Keeping death in check

Recent research has illuminated a surprisingly important role for tiny RNA molecules, known as microRNAs, in downregulating the production of a variety of proteins and researchers have now teased out the role of microRNAs in managing p53 levels

Jan 20th, 2010

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