Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

High, not flat: nanowires for a new chip architecture

The fabrication of vertical silicon nanowire arrays has already been reported. Yet there needs to be a more thorough research into the electrical properties of silicon nanowires in order to be able to build reliable transistors for a new generation of microchips.

Feb 2nd, 2010

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Quantum dot polymer hybrids greatly improve the efficiency of organic solar cells

Scientists at the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) and the Freiburg Materials Research Center (FMF) have succeeded in developing a method for treating the surface of nanoparticles which greatly improves the efficiency of organic solar cells. The researchers were able to attain an efficiency of 2 percent by using so-called quantum dots composed of cadmium selenide.

Feb 2nd, 2010

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New generation of piezoelectric actuators being developed

The development of a new generation of actuators has undergone tremendous progress. Cheaper piezo actuators resisting humidity, having fewer cracks and an extended lifetime may well become reality thanks to a close cooperation across borders between researchers, manufacturers and end-users.

Feb 2nd, 2010

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New adhesive device could let humans walk on walls

Could humans one day walk on walls, like Spider-Man? A palm-sized device invented at Cornell that uses water surface tension as an adhesive bond just might make it possible. The rapid adhesion mechanism could lead to such applications as shoes or gloves that stick and unstick to walls, or Post-it-like notes that can bear loads.

Feb 2nd, 2010

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