Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Bacterial enzyme with industrial applications characterized

Microbial enzymes are commonly used to reduce the levels of contamination created by industrial processes. Researchers in Barcelona present their characterization of a xylan-degrading enzyme from the the bacteria Paenibacillus barcinonensis, an isolated microorganism found in the Ebro delta.

Feb 11th, 2010

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Better knowledge of cell structure could aid organ reconstruction, energy harvesting

Cornel Sultan, assistant professor of aerospace and ocean engineering at Virginia Tech, is the latest faculty member at the university to learn he has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award. In his work he is looking at biological discoveries to develop new controllable structures that, in engineering terms, have 'tensional integrity' or tensegrity.

Feb 11th, 2010

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Architekten der Nanowelt

Zum zweiten Mal innerhalb kurzer Zeit kann sich das Physik-Department der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) ueber Forschungsgelder der EU in Millionenhoehe freuen: Diesmal erhaelt Professor Johannes Barth im Rahmen eines Advanced-Grants vom European Research Council (ERC) 2,6 Millionen Euro fuer ein Projekt zur Erforschung der grundlegenden Bauprinzipien von Nano-Architekturen auf Traegermaterialien.

Feb 11th, 2010

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Self-powered sensors

Harvesting electricity from small temperature differences could enable a new generation of electronic devices that don't need batteries.

Feb 11th, 2010

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Proteine in 3D

Am Max-Planck-Institut fuer Biophysik in Frankfurt am Main steht Wissenschaftlern nun ein hochmodernes Zentrum zur Verfuegung, in dem die Struktur und die Funktionsweise von Membranproteinen untersucht werden kann.

Feb 10th, 2010

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