Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanoparticle developed to boost anti-cancer immunotherapy

One of the hallmarks of cancer is that tumors are able to suppress the immune system, preventing the body's own defense system from eliminating the disease, particularly as tumors spread through the body. Cancer researchers have identified the molecule responsible for this unwanted immune suppression, and have even designed an inhibitor of this molecule.

Feb 18th, 2010

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Rapid, inexpensive DNA sequencing moves closer to reality

Researchers describe the use of electrically charged nanopores to detect specific genetic sequences as single DNA molecules pass through the pore. If further development proves successful, this method could yield a new approach to mutation detection that does not involve time-consuming and expensive amplification processes.

Feb 18th, 2010

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Photosynthesis: a new source of electrical energy

CNRS scientists have transformed the chemical energy generated by photosynthesis into electrical energy. They thus propose a new strategy to convert solar energy into electrical energy in an environmentally-friendly and renewable manner.

Feb 18th, 2010

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Could nanomaterials save the world, and make a profit?

The latest issue of NANO Magazine explores the advances in nanotechnology towards creating sustainable technologies. Nanomaterials for the Future - clean, green and profitable contains articles on clean tech, next-generation batteries, biofuels and the advances made towards nanoparticles which are capable of tolerating extreme heat, opening the doors for them to be used in everyday systems.

Feb 18th, 2010

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Eine neue Generation von Elektronenmikroskopen

Mit der Entwicklung und dem Einsatz einer neuen Generation von Elektronenmikroskopen beschaeftigt sich ein internationales Symposium, zu dem der Exzellenzcluster 'Zellulaere Netzwerke' der Universitaet Heidelberg am 19. Februar 2010 einlaedt.

Feb 18th, 2010

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Nanotechnology DNA reader expedites code sequencing

Arizona State University (ASU) scientists have come up with a new twist in their efforts to develop a faster and cheaper way to read the DNA genetic code. They have developed the first, versatile DNA reader that can discriminate between DNA's four core chemical components - the key to unlocking the vital code behind human heredity and health

Feb 17th, 2010

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Nanotechnology in the fight against cancer

A world-renowned medical researcher discusses the key role that nanotechnology has begun to play in the detection and treatment of cancer in an article that will appear in the March 2010 edition of Mechanical Engineering magazine.

Feb 17th, 2010

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