Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Quantum computing research edges toward practicality

An important step - one that is essential to the ultimate construction of a quantum computer - was taken for the first time by physicists at UC Santa Barbara. The research involves the entanglement of three quantum bits of information, or qubits. Before now, entanglement research in the solid state has only been developed with two qubits.

Oct 5th, 2010

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Bonner Physiker nutzen einzelnes Atom als Lichtdimmer

Physiker der Uni Bonn habe eine Art 'Lichtdimmer' entwickelt, der aus einem einzigen Atom besteht. Bedient wird er ueber einen Laserstrahl. Moeglicherweise kommen aehnliche Bauelemente kuenftig in der Quantenkommunikation zum Einsatz.

Oct 5th, 2010

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Success in reduction of frictional force using the piezoelectric effect

Researchers have discovered that zinc oxide coatings possess low frictional characteristics under all environments in the atmosphere, vacuum, and oil when their crystal orientation is skillfully controlled. This research also revealed that such coatings have a mysterious property, unlike that under normally conditions, in which the friction coefficient decreases as the load increases in oil.

Oct 4th, 2010

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DNA art imitates life: Construction of a nanoscale Mobius strip

Scientists at the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University's and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, led by Hao Yan and Yan Liu, have reproduced the enigmatic Mobius strip on a remarkably tiny scale, joining up braid-like segments of DNA to create Mobius structures measuring just 50 nanometers across - roughly the width of a virus particle.

Oct 4th, 2010

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