Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A new nanopropulsion method based on bipolar electrochemistry

The process is based on the novel concept of bipolar electrochemistry: under the influence of an electric field, one end of a metallic object grows while the other end dissolves. Thanks to this permanent self-regeneration, objects can move at speeds of the order of a hundred micrometers per second.

Nov 3rd, 2010

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Nanoimprint lithography NSF grant awarded to micro device lab at Stevens

Dr. Eui-Hyeok Yang, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Micro Device Laboratory (MDL) at Stevens Institute of Technology, The Innovation University (TM), will receive funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the acquisition of a Nanoimprint Lithography System (NIL) for the purpose of nanoscience research and education based on low-dimensional materials at Stevens.

Nov 3rd, 2010

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Nanoparticle emission of selected products during their life cycle

The German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) has released a study paper 'Study of nanoparticle emission of selected products during their life cycle'. The summary is available for download in English or the full version in German: 'Emission von Nanopartikeln aus ausgewaehlten Produkten in ihrem Lebenszyklus'.

Nov 3rd, 2010

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European effort to bring smart textile at industrial manufacturing level

Imec and its project partners announce the launch of the European FP7 (Framework Program) project PASTA (Integrating Platform for Advanced Smart textile Applications) aiming at developing large-area smart textiles. Large-area manufacturability is an essential aspect in bridging the gap between lab prototyping and the industrial manufacturing of smart textiles for sports and leisure wear, technical textiles for safety and monitoring applications, and textiles for healthcare monitoring purposes.

Nov 3rd, 2010

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Pittcon announces 2011 technical program highlights

The Pittcon Program Committee is pleased to announce that the 2011 Technical Program is now available on the Pittcon website. The Technical Program held Sunday, March 13 - Thursday, March 16, will consist of symposia, organized contributed sessions, oral sessions, workshops, posters, and Conferee Networking Sessions covering a wide range of topics in areas of analytical chemistry, applied spectroscopy, life sciences, bioanalysis, food sciences, and related disciplines.

Nov 3rd, 2010

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Singapore launches infrastructure for Metrology in Chemistry to realise accurate, traceable and internationally comparable chemical and biological measurements

A*STAR's National Metrology Centre and the Health Sciences Authority have jointly set up a national metrology in chemistry infrastructure to ensure that chemical and biological measurements performed in Singapore are accurate, traceable and internationally accepted for chemicals, food, pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare products and services sectors.

Nov 3rd, 2010

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Research on thin-film solar cells heats up at UC Santa Cruz

Sue Carter, a professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, is pursuing a variety of strategies to develop cheaper and more efficient solar cells. She was awarded five new grants this year totaling more than $1 million to fund her research on new materials and technologies for solar energy.

Nov 2nd, 2010

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