Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Bridging between Earth and space: technology breakthroughs for scientific progress

TECHBREAK is a new foresight initiative led by the European Science Foundation to identify the technology areas that could benefit the space sector. It goes beyond space-related technologies to bring in expertise from sectors where technology is evolving faster, ranging from photonics and nanotechnology to energy, nuclear propulsion and robotics.

Nov 29th, 2010

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Wie Diamant weich wird

Nach Jahrhunderten entschluesseln Freiburger Fraunhofer-Forscher den atomaren Mechanismus des Diamantschleifens.

Nov 29th, 2010

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Diamond-based electronics

Researchers from Taiwan have demonstrated the possibilities of fabricating n-type conducting ultrananocrystalline diamond films by Li-doping at very low temperature of about 570C by simply using a Li-based substrate material.

Nov 26th, 2010

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Revealing the secrets of chemical bath deposition

X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy is well known as a versatile and powerful technique for examining the microstructure of everything from crystalline solids to amorphous materials, even liquids. Its extreme sensitivity also makes it an ideal tool for probing the kinetics of various chemical reactions in situ. Experimenters utilizing the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science's Advanced Photon Source at Argonne recently demonstrated a new wrinkle for XANES that has opened a window on a poorly-understood technique for deposition of materials.

Nov 26th, 2010

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Watching extreme lasers at work

Frame-by-frame observations of the ionization of argon atoms under extremely bright and energetic illumination could prove a boon to research.

Nov 26th, 2010

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BMBF gibt der Quantenkommunikation Starthilfe

Das Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) moechte die Anwendung von Quantentechnologien in der Informationstechnik vorantreiben. Dazu hat es jetzt rund 13 Millionen Euro fuer insgesamt vier Verbundprojekte zur Verfuegung gestellt.

Nov 25th, 2010

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Nanosensor helps discover how pathogens hijack host plants

A research team led by the Carnegie Institution's Department of Plant Biology developed a novel trick for identifying how pathogens hijack plant nutrients to take over the organism. They discovered a novel family of pores that transport sugar out of the plant.

Nov 25th, 2010

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Physicists create completely new source of light - a 'super-photon'

Physicists from the University of Bonn have developed a completely new source of light, a so-called Bose-Einstein condensate consisting of photons. Until recently, expert had thought this impossible. This method may potentially be suitable for designing novel light sources resembling lasers that work in the x-ray range. Among other applications, they might allow building more powerful computer chips.

Nov 24th, 2010

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