Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Synthetic materials that behave like mollusk shells

Researchers report the identification of specific characteristics of the material microstructure of nacre that enable its outstanding performance. By performing detailed fracture experiments within an atomic force microscope, the group was able to directly visualize and quantify the way the tablets slid relative to each other as the material is deformed.

Feb 2nd, 2011

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Bismuth nanoparticles make blood clots visible

For almost two decades, cardiologists have searched for ways to see dangerous blood clots before they cause heart attacks. Now, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis report that they have designed nanoparticles that find clots and make them visible to a new kind of X-ray technology.

Feb 2nd, 2011

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New lithography technique allows nanoscale resolution with visible light

University of Maryland researchers have made a breakthrough in the use of visible light for making tiny integrated circuits. Though their advance is probably at least a decade from commercial use, they say it could one day make it possible for companies like Intel to continue their decades long tread of making ever smaller, faster, and cheaper computer chips.

Feb 2nd, 2011

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Fresh technology for new cell creation

The European MODPLEUV project brings together Austrian, Czech and Polish researchers to successfully develop a novel yet easy way to create nano-structured materials that would facilitate human cell development.

Feb 2nd, 2011

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