Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New nanoarrays allow unique fingerprinting of threat agents at trace levels

While there are many methods currently being used that can detect these threats, none allow for the unique fingerprinting of threat agents at trace levels. A research team at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Electronic Science and Technology Division, has overcome this limitation with surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) using optically stimulated plasmon oscillations in nanostructured substrates.

Feb 10th, 2011

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New OECD brochure highlights work on environment

A new brochure "OECD Work on Environment" (pdf) highlights the OECD work on Environment for 2011-2012, covering green growth, climate change, biodiversity, water, eco-innovation, chemical and bio-safety, resource efficiency.

Feb 10th, 2011

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Salk Institute celebrates grand opening of the Waitt Advanced Biophotonics Center

The Waitt Advanced Biophotonics Center at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies officially opens on February 9, 2011 after quietly hiring two faculty members specializing in biophotonics----the science of using and manipulating light to investigate biological function----and building up its core facility's imaging capacity to rival most if not all academic research institutions of its size in the nation.

Feb 10th, 2011

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MicoNanoTec at Hannover Messe 2011

At the joint pavilion, established technologies like silicon and semiconductor technologies are presented as well as intersectoral innovations from the fields of microfluidics, measurement, optics and nanotechnology.

Feb 10th, 2011

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The vision of the future in quantum research

Thirty-three Swiss research groups have joined the National Centre of Competence in Research "Quantum Science and Technology" (QSIT) with the aim of exploring the boundaries between classical and quantum mechanics, and combining different research approaches. The researchers are not just hoping for success with regard to a quantum computer. The leading house is ETH Zurich with Director Klaus Ensslin, a professor of experimental physics.

Feb 9th, 2011

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Novel device sheds light on the beauty of nanoscale science

The wonder of science often comes from the endless possibilities opened up by each successive discovery and the unexpected findings that result. Scientists at the University of Bristol now have a new tool that will yield yet more and unprecedented levels of information - and crucially, without disturbing the natural, physical state of the object under scrutiny.

Feb 9th, 2011

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Research yields new way to create poly-silicon as competitor for fossil fuel energy

Harnessing more than 30 years of photovoltaic research experience, a University of Arkansas engineering professor has found a way to increase sunlight-to-electricity conversion efficiency and reduce the cost of expensive materials needed for solar-cell production. This technological breakthrough will decrease cost-per-watt production of solar electricity to a point at which it can compete with traditional, fossil-fuel-based methods.

Feb 9th, 2011

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