Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Book makes nanotechnology accessible to smaller readers

Although Dr. Moon Kim's zeal for nanotechnology springs in part from years of research into the structural characterization of advanced electronic materials, he doesn't see why kids shouldn't be exhilarated by the very small as well. Now he's taken two steps to help make that happen, writing a nanotechnology primer for kids and starting an internship program that brings them into his lab for weeks at a time.

Mar 7th, 2011

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New research advances with surface plasmon polariton waveguides

One of the key problems of nano-scale optical devices is how to guide and propagate incident light effectively. SPP waveguide has a long propagating distance and can transmit in metal-dielectric interface. How to enhance the coupling and transmission of SPP has attracted researchers' attention.

Mar 6th, 2011

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Nigeria universities to get nanomedicine center

National Universities Commission (NUC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Institute for Lasers, Photonics, and Biophotonics (ILPB), United States of America for the development of an international joint research centre for nanomedicine in some Nigerian universities.

Mar 6th, 2011

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New instrument keeps an 'eye' on nanoparticles

Precision measurement in the world of nanoparticles has now become a possibility, thanks to scientists at UC Santa Barbara. The UCSB research team has developed a new instrument capable of detecting individual nanoparticles with diameters as small as a few tens of nanometers.

Mar 6th, 2011

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New microscope produces dazzling 3D movies of live cells

A new microscope invented by scientists at Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Farm Research Campus will let researchers use an exquisitely thin sheet of light -- similar to that used in supermarket bar-code scanners -- to peer inside single living cells, revealing the three-dimensional shapes of cellular landmarks in unprecedented detail. The microscopy technique images at high speed, so researchers can create dazzling movies that make biological processes, such as cell division, come alive.

Mar 4th, 2011

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ONAMI and SNNI announce Greener Nano 2011

The ONAMI Safer Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing Initiative's (SNNI) 6th annual Greener Nano Conference (GN11) - Advancing Applications and Reducing Risk - will be hosted by Hewlett-Packard Company at its Cupertino, CA site on May 1-3, 2011.

Mar 4th, 2011

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Join the Nanochannels teacher team!

European Schoolnet is launching a new call for teachers across Europe, to participate in the project NANOCHANNELS which just started in January 2011 and is funded under the 7th Framework Programme from Directorate-General Research.

Mar 4th, 2011

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A breakthrough in the design of molecular motors

Researchers from CNRS and the Universite de Bordeaux, in collaboration with a Chinese team, have developed the first molecular piston capable of self-assembly. Their research represents a significant technological advance in the design of molecular motors. Such pistons could, for example, be used to manufacture artificial muscles or create polymers with controllable stiffness.

Mar 4th, 2011

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