Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Multifunktionelle Verpackungen mit Nanotechnologie

Nanotechnologien und Neue Materialien bieten grosses Potenzial fuer den Verpackungssektor. Dies zeigte der Branchendialog Nanopackaging in Duesseldorf. Die Praesentationen der Veranstaltung sind jetzt online verfuegbar.

Jun 30th, 2011

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Squeezed light from single atoms

Researchers have observed that the light emitted by a single atom may exhibit much richer dynamics. Strongly interacting with light inside a cavity, the atom modifies the wave-like properties of the light field, reducing its amplitude or phase fluctuations below the level allowed for classical electromagnetic radiation. This is the very first observation of "squeezed" light produced by a single atom.

Jun 30th, 2011

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DNA Medicine Institute awarded two Phase III SBIR NASA contracts for Its rHEALTH sensor

Based on DMI's successful work under a pair of Phase II Small Business Innovation Research Program contracts designed to develop nanoscale diagnostic technologies that facilitate whole health analysis in a single drop of blood, DMI's rHEALTH sensor has been identified by NASA as a viable approach for performing blood and urine analysis on the International Space Station.

Jun 30th, 2011

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Synthetic cell membranes for faster and cheaper drug development

IMRE's patented synthetic cell membranes can be made-to-order, are easier to maintain in a laboratory environment and do not require the lengthy preparation that comes with working on live cell membranes. The synthetic cell membranes mimic the natural functions of cell membranes, such as interacting with drug molecules and antibodies, which is crucial in the drug discovery process.

Jun 30th, 2011

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