Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Scientists put a new spin on traditional information technology

Scientists have proposed a new communications scheme that would use silicon wires carrying a constant current to drive electrons from a transmitter to a receiver. By changing its magnetization, a contact would inject electron spin (either up or down) into the current at the transmitter end.

Aug 29th, 2011

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Magnetic memories manipulated by voltage, not heat

In their search for smaller, faster information-storage devices, physicists have been exploring ways to encode magnetic data using electric fields. One advantage of this voltage-induced magnet control is that less power is needed to encode information than in a traditional system.

Aug 29th, 2011

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Rush hour in a coffee stain

A remarkable effect never witnessed before has been discovered in the ring-shaped stains of tiny dissolved particles ('coffee stains') that develop after a liquid has evaporated. While the particles on the outside of the ring are neatly organized, chaos reigns on the inside of the ring where the particles seem to have collected in a great hurry.

Aug 29th, 2011

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A new spin on topological insulator surfaces

A European team of researchers has discovered that properties of the so-called topological insulator bismuth selenide could provide the solution to how a ground-breaking new computing technology called 'spintronics' can work at room temperature. This is a solution scientists have been waiting for ever since the technology was predicted more than two decades ago.

Aug 29th, 2011

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Remedies for science's shortage of superheroes

One of the most serious personnel shortages in the global science and engineering workforce - numbering more than 20 million in the United States alone - involves a scarcity of real-life versions of Superman, Superwoman and other superheroes and superheroines with charm, charisma, people skills and communication skills. That's the premise behind an unusual symposium occurring here today at the 242nd National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society.

Aug 28th, 2011

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Pioneering nanosystems engineering program receives accreditation

Louisiana Tech University's Bachelor of Science in Nanosystems Engineering - the first program of its kind in the United States, has become the nation's first undergraduate degree program in the field of nanoengineering to receive accreditation from the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Aug 28th, 2011

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