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Neuartige Lichtquelle zum Blick ins Innere von Heusler-Materialien

Wissenschaftlern der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz ist es gelungen, in die Struktur von Heusler-Materialien vorzudringen und das Verhalten der Elektronen zu beobachten. Sie verwenden dazu eine besondere Form der Photoelektronenspektroskopie, die es moeglich macht, viel tiefer als bisher in die Materie vorzudringen und die elektronische Beschaffenheit zu untersuchen.

Sep 13th, 2011

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Free e-book on nanogenerators

Probably the leading team that is driving forward the work on nanogenerators for converting mechanical energy into electricity is Zhong Lin Wang's group at Georgia Tech has published a a comprehensive and coherent review about the development of nanogeneratos, organizing the book based on the group's published papers. And best of all, it is a free e-book.

Sep 13th, 2011

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European project achieves major milestone towards fabricating silicon photonics circuits in CMOS foundries

By demonstrating for the first time a 40Gbit/s optical modulator in silicon with a record extinction ratio of 10dB (the power difference between the 1 and 0 data levels), members of the HELIOS Project accomplished one of the key project goals needed to build and optimize the entire supply chain for fabricating complex functional silicon- photonics devices from design to the process level.

Sep 12th, 2011

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