Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

NIST measurements may help optimize organic solar cells

Organic solar cells may be a step closer to market because of measurements taken at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), where a team of scientists has developed a better fundamental understanding of how to optimize the cells' performance.

Mar 7th, 2012

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Transistors promise more powerful logic, more logical power

Broadly speaking, the two major areas of research at MIT's Microsystems Technology Laboratory (MTL) are electronics - transistors in particular - and microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS - tiny mechanical devices with moving parts. Both strains of research could have significant implications for manufacturing in the United States, but at least for the moment, the market for transistor innovation is far larger.

Mar 7th, 2012

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Neues Schaltprinzip fuer schnelle Speichermedien

Ein internationales Forscherteam aus Deutschland und den Niederlanden hat neue magnetische Materialien fuer Datenspeicher entwickelt. Erstmals ermoeglichen sie das Schalten von so genannten Spinstroemen bei Raumtemperatur in einem senkrechten magnetischen Feld, was die Speicherdichte deutlich erhoeht.

Mar 7th, 2012

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Graphene and a new dimension

A growing number of scientists recognises how graphene, an allotrope of carbon, is the next silicon. But they also know graphene is too conductive to be used in computer chips. Now a research team from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom may have found a way to address this problem.

Mar 6th, 2012

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Webinar addresses the EU definition of nanomaterials

NanoSight, leading manufacturers of unique nanoparticle characterization technology, responds to the EU Commission recommended definition of Nanomaterials with a webinar to provide expert insight into the consequences for chemical industries. This will be held on Wednesday 21st March.

Mar 6th, 2012

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Quantum conveyance: Electrical circuits talk to single atoms

If a practical quantum computer is ever to be realized, conventional electronic devices will have to interface with the delicate quantum systems such as atoms or ions in traps or wisps of magnetism near superconducting sensors. A new paper proposes one way to achieve this kind of quantum interface. It shows how an electrical circuit can be used to enable the transfer of quantum information encoded in a single ion to other quantum systems, such as another isolated ion.

Mar 6th, 2012

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A wee bit of nanotechnology comes to Glasgow

Smithycroft Secondary School in Glasgow, UK, is excited to announce that they will be hosting a Nanotechnology evening which will involve scientists and industry experts debating about the advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology.

Mar 6th, 2012

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