Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New silicon memory chip developed

The first purely silicon oxide-based 'Resistive RAM' memory chip that can operate in ambient conditions - opening up the possibility of new super-fast memory - has been developed by researchers at UCL.

May 18th, 2012

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In Nullkommanichts durch den Quantentunnel

Wenn Elektronen die Energie zum ueberwinden einer Energiebarriere nicht haben, "tunneln" sie einfach durch diese Barriere hindurch. Forscher koennen den Zeitpunkt des Austritts aus der Barriere zum ersten Mal exakt bestimmen und schlussfolgern daraus: Die Zeit, die das Elektron fuer das Tunneln braucht, ist gleich Null.

May 18th, 2012

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Shaping up nanoparticles for DNA delivery to cancer cells

To treat cancer, scientists and clinicians have to kill cancer cells while minimally harming the healthy tissues surrounding them. However, because cancer cells are derived from healthy cells, targeting only the cancer cells is exceedingly difficult.

May 17th, 2012

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