Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Splitting the unsplittable

Researchers from the University of Bonn have just shown how a single atom can be split into its two halves, pulled apart and put back together again.

Jun 5th, 2012

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Spin-Strom in topologischem Isolator

Wieder sorgen Wuerzburger Physiker fuer neue Erkenntnisse in der Spintronik: In extrem duennen topologischen Isolatoren haben sie spin-polarisierte Stroeme nachgewiesen, welche die Theorie seit sechs Jahren vorhersagt. Zugleich zeigen sie einen Weg der Anwendung fuer neuartige Rechner.

Jun 5th, 2012

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Determining the best shape for cancer-fighting nanoparticles

As the field of nanomedicine matures, an emerging point of contention has been what shape nanoparticles should be to deliver their drug or DNA payloads most effectively. A pair of new papers by scientists at The Methodist Hospital Research Institute (TMHRI) and six other institutions suggests these microscopic workhorses ought to be disc-shaped, not spherical or rod-shaped, when targeting cancers at or near blood vessels.

Jun 4th, 2012

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Repelling the drop on top

It would make life a lot easier if the surfaces of window panes, corrosion coatings or microfluidic systems in medical labs could keep themselves free of water and other liquids. A new simulation program can now work out just how such surfaces have to look for a variety of applications.

Jun 4th, 2012

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Forscher ordnen Nanopartikel wie "Riesen-Atome" an

Wissenschaftler des INM - Leibniz Institut fuer Neue Materialien haben herausgefunden, dass sich bestimmte Nanopartikel zu Gruppen anordnen, als waeren sie Atome. Wie die Atome von Metallen oder Edelgasen bilden sie dabei je nach Anzahl ganz bestimmte Formen.

Jun 4th, 2012

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