Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Ten nations represented at CENIDE's first nanotechnology summer program

Sixteen students from ten different countries are currently taking part in the 'Nano Summer Program' organized by the Center for Nanointegration (CENIDE) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Over the course of the seven-week program, these students will expand their knowledge of all things 'nano' and have an opportunity to network with leading experts in the field.

Jul 23rd, 2012

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Radiation damage bigger problem in microelectronics than previously thought

The amount of damage that radiation causes in electronic materials may be at least ten times greater than previously thought. That is the surprising result of a new characterization method that uses a combination of lasers and acoustic waves to provide scientists with a capability tantamount to X-ray vision: It allows them to peer through solid materials to pinpoint the size and location of detects buried deep inside with unprecedented precision.

Jul 20th, 2012

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Electrons get off the track - Scientists find new principle for spin transistor

Researchers have made a significant step in utilizing the electrons' spin for transistor action. If spin-based electronics prevails the new switching concept might turn out to be useful as it allows for switching the spin-polarization of an electric current on and off, tuning it continuously or reading it off electrically by simple resistance measurements.

Jul 20th, 2012

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Probing the role of disorder in quantum coherence

A new experiment conducted at the Joint Quantum Institute examines the relationship between quantum coherence, an important aspect of certain materials kept at low temperature, and the imperfections in those materials. These findings should be useful in forging a better understanding of disorder, and in turn in developing better quantum-based devices, such as superconducting magnets.

Jul 20th, 2012

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The artificial finger

European researchers of the projects NanoBioTact and NanoBioTouch delve deep into the mysteries of touch and have developed the first sensitive artificial finger.

Jul 19th, 2012

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