Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanopores promise cost savings in gene sequencing

In the last five years, next-??generation gene sequencing has brought down the cost of unlocking a single genome from $10 mil�lion to $10,000. While the sav�ings is unprece�dented, more can still be done to reduce the cost even fur�ther, an effort that would enable a host of appli�ca�tions in med�ical research and healthcare.

Sep 20th, 2012

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Optical waveguide connects semiconductor chips

A team of KIT researchers directed by Professor Christian Koos has succeeded in developing a novel optical connection between semiconductor chips. 'Photonic wire bonding' reaches data transmission rates in the range of several terabits per second and is suited perfectly for production on the industrial scale.

Sep 20th, 2012

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Nanotechnology researchers develop 'bed of nails' material for clean surfaces

Scientists at the University of Twente's MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology have developed a new material that is not only extremely water-repellent but also extremely oil-repellent. It contains minuscule pillars which retain droplets. What makes the material unique is that the droplets stay on top even when they evaporate (slowly getting smaller).

Sep 20th, 2012

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The search for new materials for hydrogen storage

Hydrogen is the ideal fuel for new types of fuel cell vehicles, but one problem is how to store hydrogen. In his doctoral dissertation Serhiy Luzan studies new types of materials for hydrogen storage. He also shows that new materials with interesting properties can be synthesized by the reaction of hydrogen with carbon nano-structured materials.

Sep 20th, 2012

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Germanium-Nanodr�hte zur Integration mit Silizium

Eine neue Methode l�sst Germanium- Atome ohne Katalysator zu gleichm��igen Dr�hten auf Silizium-Oberfl�chen zusammenwachsen. Dadurch k�nnen Kontaminationen ausgeschlossen und die Nanodr�hte besser in Mikrochips integriert werden.

Sep 20th, 2012

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Using a laser to to study the world at the atomic level

Scientists used their amped-up electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer to study the electron spin of free radicals and nitrogen atoms trapped inside a diamond. The improvement will pull back the veil that shrouds the molecular world, allowing scientists to study tiny molecules at a high resolution.

Sep 19th, 2012

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A new model provides an alternative description of atomic level gold bonding

A study on how gold atoms bond to other atoms using a model that takes into account bonds direction has been carried out by physicist Marie Backman from the University of Helsinki, Finland, and colleagues. These findings are a first step toward better understanding how gold binds to other materials through strong, so-called covalent, bonds.

Sep 19th, 2012

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