Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New EU project NanoEIS offers nanotechnology education for industry and society

Partners from all over Europe will investigate the European labour market for personnel trained in nanotechnology. The relevance of existing nanotechnology education and training in universities, vocational training institutes and secondary schools for the needs of industrial and other employers will also be explored. By 2015, a model curriculum will be made available online.

Nov 14th, 2012

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X-ray laser observes molecular explosion

Using DESY's X-ray laser FLASH, a team of scientists from Hamburg has traced the ultrafast explosion of iodine molecules. The group used the X-ray laser as a kind of high-speed camera - the observed molecular explosion took place within a millionth of a billionth of a second (i.e. within femtoseconds).

Nov 14th, 2012

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New metamaterial lens focuses radio waves

Researchers at MIT have fabricated a three-dimensional, lightweight metamaterial lens that focuses radio waves with extreme precision. The concave lens exhibits a property called negative refraction, bending electromagnetic waves - in this case, radio waves - in exactly the opposite sense from which a normal concave lens would work.

Nov 14th, 2012

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Human eye gives researchers visionary design for new, more natural lens technology

Drawing heavily upon nature for inspiration, a team of researchers has created a new artificial lens that is nearly identical to the natural lens of the human eye. This innovative lens, which is made up of thousands of nanoscale polymer layers, may one day provide a more natural performance in implantable lenses to replace damaged or diseased human eye lenses, as well as consumer vision products; it also may lead to superior ground and aerial surveillance technology.

Nov 13th, 2012

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Clear view into glass - scientists analyze the atomic structure of amorphous silica

We can look through glass, but what glass itself looks like on the inside has so far remained a mystery - at least as far as the precise position of the atoms is concerned. Scientists at the Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin are now the first to have imaged the network of silicon and oxygen atoms - the main components of glass - in a silica film.

Nov 13th, 2012

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Gespeicherte R�ntgenphotonen - Edelstahl k�nnte in Zukunft Daten speichern

R�ntgenstrahlen in einer Box 'auf Eis zu legen' und sp�ter nach Belieben wieder freizusetzen, klingt nach Science Fiction. Neue Rechnungen zeigen jedoch, dass mithilfe eines Magnetfelds einzelne R�ntgenquanten eingefangen und ohne Qualit�tsverlust wiedergewonnen werden k�nnen. Ausserdem ist es m�glich, das gespeicherte R�ntgenquant zu manipulieren, insbesondere seine Phase kontrolliert zu �ndern.

Nov 13th, 2012

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'Strain tuning' reveals promise in nanoscale manufacturing

Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have reported progress in fabricating advanced materials at the nanoscale. The spontaneous self-assembly of nanostructures composed of multiple elements paves the way toward materials that could improve a range of energy efficient technologies and data storage devices.

Nov 12th, 2012

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