Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Xenon goes topless

Record ionisation: An X-ray laser removes more than two complete shells from the electron cloud surrounding noble gas atoms.

Nov 22nd, 2012

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New structures self-assemble in synchronized dance (w/video)

Researchers from the University of Illinois and Northwestern University have demonstrated tiny spheres that synchronize their movements as they self-assemble into a spinning microtube. Such in-motion structures, a blending of mathematics and materials science, could open a new class of technologies with applications in medicine, chemistry and engineering.

Nov 21st, 2012

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The effectiveness of N95 respirator filters against nanoparticles

A new research published by the IRSST (Quebec Occupational Health and Safety Research Institute) developed a method for characterizing respirator and ventilation system filters at different air flow rates. This method could also apply to the evaluation of the effectiveness of porous protective clothing.

Nov 21st, 2012

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Capturing living cells in micro pyramids

A field full of pyramids, but on a micro scale. Each of the pyramids hides a living cell. Thanks to 3D micro- and nanoscale fabrication, promising new applications can be found. One of them is applying the micro pyramids for cell research.

Nov 21st, 2012

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Nanotechnology flower power to purge poison and produce platinum

A consortium of researchers are to embark on a programme called "Cleaning Land for Wealth", that will use a common class of flower to restore poisoned soils while at the same time producing perfectly sized and shaped nano sized platinum and arsenic nanoparticles for use in catalytic convertors, cancer treatments and a range of other applications.

Nov 21st, 2012

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