Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Synchronized nanoscale oscillators may spur new devices

Synchronization phenomena are everywhere in the physical world - from circadian rhythms to side-by-side pendulum clocks coupled mechanically through vibrations in the wall. Researchers have now demonstrated synchronization at the nanoscale, using only light, not mechanics.

Dec 14th, 2012

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Physicists make strides in understanding quantum entanglement

Using computers to calculate the extreme version of quantum entanglement - how the spin of every electron in certain electronic materials could be entangled with another electron's spin - the research team found a way to predict this characteristic. Future applications of the research are expected to benefit fields such as information technology.

Dec 14th, 2012

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Nano-enabled paper detects kidney cancer markers

Using common laboratory filter paper coated with antibody-labeled gold nanorods, a team of investigators at Washington University in St. Louis has developed a rapid and inexpensive method for detecting biomarkers of kidney cancer in urine.

Dec 13th, 2012

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Nanochains mark micrometastases for early diagnosis, treatment

Malignant cells that leave a primary tumor, travel the bloodstream, and grow out of control in new locations cause the vast majority of cancer deaths. A new type of nanoparticle construct, developed at Case Western Reserve University, detects these metastases in mouse models of breast cancer far earlier than current methods, which is a step toward earlier detection and treatment.

Dec 13th, 2012

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Researchers create unique photoluminescent nanoparticles

An international research team has created unique photoluminescent nanoparticles that shine clearly through more than three centimeters, or more than an inch, of biological tissue, a depth that makes them a promising tool for deep-tissue optical bioimaging.

Dec 13th, 2012

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