Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers confirm intrinsic superconductor behavior

When it comes to high-temperature superconductors, a class of materials called cuprates is king, and it is science's ongoing quest to determine their exact physical subtleties. Cornell physicists and materials scientists have now verified that cuprates respond differently when adding electrons versus removing them, resolving a central issue about the compounds' most fundamental properties.

Jan 15th, 2013

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Death on a nanometer scale: Study quantifies the size of holes antibacterials create in cell walls to kill bacteria

Researchers created a biophysical model of the response of a Gram-positive bacterium to the formation of a hole in its cell wall. Then they used experimental measurements to validate the theory, which predicted that a hole in the bacteria cell wall larger than 15 to 24 nanometers in diameter would cause the cell to lyse, or burst. These small holes are approximately one-hundredth the diameter of a typical bacterial cell.

Jan 15th, 2013

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Researchers demonstrate concept of 'intelligent' molecule

Intelligence is not only a matter of humans and animals. Scientists speak also of intelligent molecules. The latter directly react to external stimuli and change reversibly their shape. NIM physicists demonstrate the process for the first time with a single molecule.

Jan 15th, 2013

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New qubit control bodes well for future of quantum computing

Yale University scientists have found a way to observe quantum information while preserving its integrity, an achievement that offers researchers greater control in the volatile realm of quantum mechanics and greatly improves the prospects of quantum computing.

Jan 14th, 2013

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Nanocircuits flex tech muscle (w/video)

Mighty electronic chips in your clothes to monitor your vitals? A tablet that folds up and fits in your back pocket? Research scientists Stephen Bedell and Davood Shahrjerdi at IBM's Thomas J Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York think that flexible nanoscale circuits can do just that.

Jan 14th, 2013

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Peel-and-stick solar cells could charge battery-powered devices

It may be possible soon to charge cell phones, change the tint on windows, or power small toys with peel-and-stick versions of solar cells, thanks to a partnership between Stanford University and the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

Jan 12th, 2013

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