Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Photo-immunotherapy boosts nanoparticle delivery to tumors

Hisataka Kobayashi and his colleagues at NCI's Center for Cancer Research employed a technique they call photo-immunotherapy, which uses an antibody linked to a light-sensitive compound or photosensitizer, to increase the leakiness of tumor-associated blood vessels.

Feb 20th, 2013

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Nanotechnology may enable earlier cancer diagnosis

Sangeeta Bhatia, a project leader at the MIT-Harvard Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence, led the team that developed nanoparticles that can home to a tumor and interact with cancer proteins to produce thousands of biomarkers, which can then be easily detected in the patient's urine.

Feb 20th, 2013

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The nano-channel that disentangles knots

Scientists have considered a specific DNA filament model and examined its behavior within a nano-channel. They observed that by varying the channel's width it is possible to drastically change the quantity and complexity of the knots formed by the DNA.

Feb 20th, 2013

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Efficient distributed quantum computing

A quantum computer doesn't need to be a single large device but could be built from a network of small parts, new research from the University of Bristol has demonstrated. As a result, building such a computer would be easier to achieve.

Feb 20th, 2013

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Viren erkennen durch neuartige Nanotechnologie-Methode

Forschende der Universit�t Basel und der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) haben eine Methode entwickelt, um mithilfe eines neuartigen nanotechnologischen Verfahrens Viren zu erkennen. Das Verfahren k�nnte zur Herstellung von Viren, aber auch zur Diagnostik und Therapie verschiedener Krankheiten eingesetzt werden.

Feb 20th, 2013

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New technology for the magnetic cooling of chips

Researchers have developed a new technology in the magnetic cooling of chips based on the straining of materials. Compared with the current technologies, this advance enables the impact on the environment to be lessened.

Feb 20th, 2013

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Developing new nanomaterials with ancient Egyptian pigment

A bright blue pigment used 5,000 years ago is giving modern scientists clues toward the development of new nanomaterials with potential uses in state-of-the-art medical imaging devices, remote controls for televisions, security inks and other technology.

Feb 20th, 2013

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First signals from brain nerve cells with ultrathin nanowires

Electrodes operated into the brain are today used in research and to treat diseases such as Parkinson's. However, their use has been limited by their size. At Lund University in Sweden, researchers have, for the first time, succeeded in implanting an ultrathin nanowire-based electrode and capturing signals from the nerve cells in the brain of a laboratory animal.

Feb 20th, 2013

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A new technique to scale up production of graphene micro-supercapacitors (w/video)

UCLA researchers have developed a groundbreaking technique that uses a DVD burner to fabricate micro-scale graphene-based supercapacitors - devices that can charge and discharge a hundred to a thousand times faster than standard batteries. These micro-supercapacitors, made from a one-atom-thick layer of graphitic carbon, can be easily manufactured and readily integrated into small devices such as next-generation pacemakers.

Feb 20th, 2013

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