Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Combining X-rays and microscopes for getting the atomic-level fingerprint of a material

By pairing the capabilities of X-ray analysis and extremely precise microscopy, scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have developed a way to simultaneously determine the physical structure and chemical makeup of materials at close to the atomic level. The research opens new routes to the next generation of materials for a wide assortment of energy-related applications.

Jun 14th, 2013

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Nanotechnology helping to recover more oil

When petroleum companies abandon an oil well, more than half the reservoir's oil is usually left behind as too difficult to recover. Now, however, much of the residual oil can be recovered with the help of nanoparticles and a simple law of physics.

Jun 14th, 2013

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The science of sculpture, nano-style

The next break�through in highly effi�cient bat�tery tech�nolo�gies and solar cells may very well be nanoscopic crys�tals of sil�icon assem�bled like sky�scrapers on wafer-??scale sub�strates. An impor�tant route for growth of these nanoscale 'whiskers' - or nanowires - involves alloyed metal droplets. Mon�eesh Upmanyu has been using com�pu�ta�tional tools to under�stand the atomic-??scale inter�ac�tions between these droplets and the growth of nanowires.

Jun 14th, 2013

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Real-world invisibility cloak makes cat and fish disappear (w/videos)

Researchers have demonstrated in experiment that by abandoning the phase preservation requirement it is possible to create invisibility cloaking for natural light in multiple observation angles. Such a cloak will act as a cloaking device operational on the ray optics approximation. It will disregard the fine effects of interference seen in wave optics but will offer good performance for hiding macroscopic objects much larger than the wavelength of light.

Jun 14th, 2013

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Nanotechnology-based sensor identifies scent of melanoma

According to new research from the Monell Center and collaborating institutions, odors from human skin cells can be used to identify melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. In addition to detecting a unique odor signature associated with melanoma cells, the researchers also demonstrated that a nanotechnology-based sensor could reliably differentiate melanoma cells from normal skin cells.

Jun 13th, 2013

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Nanoparticle opens the door to clean-energy alternatives

Cheaper clean-energy technologies could be made possible thanks to a new discovery. Researchers have found that an important chemical reaction that generates hydrogen from water is effectively triggered - or catalyzed - by a nanoparticle composed of nickel and phosphorus, two inexpensive elements that are abundant on Earth.

Jun 13th, 2013

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Imec showcases innovation in RRAM research at VLSI Technology Symposium

At this week's VLSI 2013 Technology Symposium 2013 (Kyoto, Japan, June 11-13, 2013), imec presented important findings increasing the understanding into the stochastic nature of Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) operation. Imec's results are crucial steps forward to enable reliable implementation of the memory concept.

Jun 13th, 2013

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Quantum gas in a laser cage: The Koerber European Science Prize 2013 goes to Immanuel Bloch

The German physicist is to be honoured for his groundbreaking work in the field of quantum simulation with ultracold atoms. In his experiments, Bloch creates microscopic 'light crystals' from laser beams in whose optical lattices ultracold atoms are trapped. This quantum simulator serves as a model for the examination of fundamental quantum mechanics processes in materials such as metals.

Jun 13th, 2013

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DNA brings materials to life

DNA-coated colloids have been used to create novel self-assembling materials in a breakthrough experiment by EPFL and University of Cambridge scientists.

Jun 13th, 2013

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Light-carved 'nano-volcanoes' hold promise for drug delivery

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a method for creating "nano-volcanoes" by shining various colors of light through a nanoscale "crystal ball" made of a synthetic polymer. These nano-volcanoes can store precise amounts of other materials and hold promise for new drug-delivery technologies.

Jun 13th, 2013

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