Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Graphene on its way to conquer Silicon Valley

The remarkable material graphene promises a wide range of applications in future electronics that could complement or replace traditional silicon technology. Researchers of the Electronic Properties of Materials Group at the University of Vienna have now paved the way for the integration of graphene into the current silicide based technology.

Jul 9th, 2013

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Scientists solve titanic puzzle of popular photocatalyst

A breakthrough in our understanding of the properties of titania (titanium dioxide) - the basis of self-cleaning window technology - has been made by scientists at UCL, uncovering a decades old misunderstanding that has clouded our knowledge of how mixed phase titania catalysts operate.

Jul 8th, 2013

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Nanoelectromechanical sensors (NEMS) based on graphene membranes

Monolayer graphene exhibits exceptional electronic and mechanical properties, making it a very promising material for nanoelectromechanical devices. Now, researchers have conclusively demonstrated the piezoresistive effect in graphene in a nanoelectromechanical membrane configuration that provides direct electrical readout of pressure to strain transduction.

Jul 8th, 2013

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Nanomagnete aus der R�hre

Forschern ist es gelungen, magnetische Nanokristalle im inneren Hohlraum von Kohlenstoff-Nanor�hren zu z�chten. Diese weisen drei Besonderheiten auf: (1) Die Gr�sse der Kristalle l�sst sich durch den Durchmesser der Nanor�hre kontrollieren. (2) Die Kristalle sind vor Oxidation gesch�tzt. (3) Durch ihre Winzigkeit haben die Nanokristalle andere magnetische Eigenschaften.

Jul 8th, 2013

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Pollution control with nanotechnology

In the remediation of pollutions in the soil and groundwater, minute nanoparticles are being increasingly used that are to convert resp. break down pollutants on site. The process, often somewhat mistakenly described as 'nano-remediation', can also be used with contaminations that have been hard to fight up to now, for example through heavy metals or the notorious, carcinogenic softener PCB. Yet how do the various nanoparticles behave in the earth, are they in turn harmless for humans and the environment and how can they be produced at a favourable price?

Jul 6th, 2013

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