Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New strategically important hard metal developed

Over the past three years VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has been working with Finnish-based Exote Ltd to develop a new hard metal and the necessary manufacturing process. This material can be used to replace tungsten carbide (WC), the hard metal widely used in industry today and whose global availability is becoming critical.

Sep 3rd, 2013

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Elektrisch steuerbare Quantenbits realisiert

Ein internationales Forscherteam hat erstmals ein Quantenbit hergestellt und gesteuert, das aus drei sogenannten Quantenpunkten besteht. Der Versuch belegt, dass sich solche Triplett-Quantenbits einfacher kontrollieren lassen als Quantenbits aus einem einzelnen oder zwei Quantenpunkten.

Sep 3rd, 2013

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Butterfly inspires new nanotechnology

By mimicking microscopic structures in the wings of a butterfly, an international research team has developed a device smaller than the width of a human hair that could make optical communication faster and more secure.

Sep 2nd, 2013

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Breakthrough in nanotechnology sensing

Researchers have made a breakthrough discovery in identifying the world's most sensitive nanoparticle and measuring it from a distance using light. These super-bright, photostable and background-free nanocrystals enable a new approach to highly advanced sensing technologies using optical fibres.

Sep 1st, 2013

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Nanosized aspirin increases effectiveness

New research results provide a strategy of RGD peptide carrying aspirin to the thrombus, releasing aspirin inside the thrombus, and finally avoiding aspirin resistance and nonresponse.

Aug 31st, 2013

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Plastic - the new energy source

Queensland University of Technology's research to develop cheap plastic solar cells to charge mobile phones and other electronic devices has been boosted with the installation of one of the most powerful nanotechnology microscopes in the world.

Aug 30th, 2013

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New insights into hyperthermia cancer therapy

Researchers have shown that the amount of heat generated by magnetic nanoparticles can be understood when both the physical and hydrodynamic size distributions for the samples are known to high accuracy.

Aug 30th, 2013

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Single molecule detection of a cancer biomarker

Using a nano-enhanced version of a device capable of detecting the smallest viruses in solution, researchers at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University have demonstrated that they can detect a single cancer marker protein without the use of fluorescent labels.

Aug 30th, 2013

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Nanoparticles, made to order - inside and out

A new coating technology developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), combined with a novel nanoparticle-manufacturing technology developed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, may offer scientists a way to quickly mass-produce tailored nanoparticles that are specially coated for specific medical applications.

Aug 30th, 2013

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Nanoparticles enhance RNA interference

Nanoparticles that deliver short strands of RNA offer a way to treat cancer and other diseases by shutting off malfunctioning genes. Although this approach has shown some promise, scientists are still not sure exactly what happens to the nanoparticles once they get inside their target cells. Understanding the mechanism of delivery is an important step to meet regulatory requirements along the drug approval process. A new study from researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology sheds light on the nanoparticles? fate and suggests new ways to maximize delivery of the RNA strands they are carrying, known as short interfering RNA (siRNA).

Aug 30th, 2013

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