Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Prototype nanomedicine vaccine arms the immune system to fight cancer

Neuroblastoma, the third most common pediatric cancer, causes nerve cells to turn into tumors. The prototype vaccine uses a unique combination of nanotechnology and immunology to 'raise an army' of tumor-hunting immune cells, equip them to attack neuroblastoma, and leave them ready to reactivate if the cancer returns.

Jan 8th, 2014

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New Computer Aided Design solutions to reduce cost and time to market of high performance energy efficient nanoelectronics

Enabling fast and effective design of new transistors for high performance electronics with greatly reduced power consumption. This is the ambitious objective that a unique multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers from five European countries will pursue in the next three years in the framework of the EC funded project III-V-MOS 'Technology CAD for III-V Semiconductor-based MOSFETs'.

Jan 8th, 2014

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Ein Hauch von Elektronik

ETH-Forscher entwickeln Elektronikbauteile, die d�nner und biegsamer sind als bisherige. Sie k�nnen sich gar um ein einzelnes Haar herumlegen, ohne dass die Elektronik Schaden nimmt.

Jan 8th, 2014

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On-demand vaccines possible with engineered nanoparticles

University of Washington engineers hope a new type of vaccine they have shown to work in mice will one day make it cheaper and easy to manufacture on-demand vaccines for humans. Immunizations could be administered within minutes where and when a disease is breaking out.

Jan 7th, 2014

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Inverse design: New route to design a practical invisibility cloak

Invisibility has become a scientific possibility with the emergence of metamaterials and transformation optics in the past few years. A recent paper reviewed design methodologies and experimental developments of the invisibility cloak from a practical perspective. The recent transition from a forward cloaking design to inverse cloaking design was also addressed.

Jan 7th, 2014

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Nanoplasmonics: Towards efficient light harvesting

Recently, the emergence of a design strategy called transformation optics has provided a completely new way to control light on all length scales, opening new doors to many unprecedented optical functions. A new paper has reviewed the recent progress made using this revolutionary technology in the design of efficient plasmonic light-harvesting devices.

Jan 7th, 2014

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New nanotechnology therapeutics could soon fight influenza, other viruses

Newly emerging flu viruses could soon be countered by a treatment that Draper Laboratory is developing that 'traps' viruses before they can infect host cells. Further into the future, patients suffering from any type of virus could be cured with DRACO, a drug also under development at Draper that is designed to rapidly recognize and eliminate cells infected by virtually any virus.

Jan 7th, 2014

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In situ band-gap tuning of graphene oxide

A research group of the NIMS International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) succeeded in in-situ band-gap tuning which will be a key toward developing high-performance nanoscale devices using ultimately thin graphene oxide membranes.

Jan 7th, 2014

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