Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanotechnology-enabled smartphone-based mercury testing

A team of researchers from UCLA has developed a smartphone attachment and application to test water for the presence of mercury, a toxic heavy metal. The scientists created an integrated opto-mechanical attachment to the built-in camera module of a smart-phone to digitally quantify mercury concentration using a plasmonic gold nanoparticle and aptamer based colorimetric transmission assay that is implemented in disposable test tubes.

Feb 5th, 2014

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Inner workings of a cellular nanomotor revealed

Our cells produce thousands of proteins but more than one-third of these proteins can fulfill their function only after migrating to the outside of the cell. While it is known that protein migration occurs with the help of various 'nanomotors' that push proteins out of the cell, little is known about their precise mechanical functioning. New research reveals the inner workings of one such nanomotor, called SecA, with new clarity.

Feb 5th, 2014

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Off-the-shelf materials lead to self-healing polymers (w/video)

Look out, super glue and paint thinner. Thanks to new dynamic materials developed at the University of Illinois, removable paint and self-healing plastics soon could be household products. A slight tweak in chemistry to elastic materials made of polyurea, one of the most widely used classes of polymers in consumer goods, yields materials that bond back together on a molecular level without the need for other chemicals or adhesives.

Feb 4th, 2014

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Cellular surgeons: The new era of nanomedicine (w/video)

Pills the size of molecules to seek and destroy tumors. Miniscule robots performing surgery inside patients with a precision never before achieved. Nanobots, a billionth of a meter across, fixing mutations in DNA, or repairing neurons in your brain. Such are the possibilities as medicine enters the nanotechnology-era.

Feb 4th, 2014

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Diamond defect boosts quantum technology

New research shows that a remarkable defect in synthetic diamond produced by chemical vapor deposition allows researchers to measure, witness, and potentially manipulate electrons in a manner that could lead to new quantum technology for information processing.

Feb 4th, 2014

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Testing nanomedicine with blood cells on a microchip

Designing nanomedicine to combat diseases is a hot area of scientific research, primarily for treating cancer, but very little is known in the context of atherosclerotic disease. Scientists have engineered a microchip coated with blood vessel cells to learn more about the conditions under which nanoparticles accumulate in the plaque-filled arteries of patients with atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Feb 4th, 2014

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Lifting the lid on silicon batteries

Resolving the mystery of what happens inside batteries when silicon comes into contact with lithium could accelerate the commercialisation of next-generation high capacity batteries, for use in mobile phones and other applications.

Feb 4th, 2014

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The sp2 graphene selection

Scientists have shown that indium and indium(I) chloride can be successfully used for the selective removal of epoxide groups to regenerate the sp2-conjugated system of graphene oxide.

Feb 4th, 2014

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