Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Spinning nanoparticles coaxed into 'living' crystals

Simply making nanoparticles spin coaxes them to arrange themselves into what University of Michigan researchers call 'living rotating crystals' that could serve as a nanopump. They may also, incidentally, shed light on the origin of life itself.

Feb 25th, 2014

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Silver gone astray - nanoparticles in environment

A recent study conducted by the Swiss National Science Foundation revealed that the bulk of silver nanoparticles is retained in wastewater treatment plants, only little is known about the persistence and the impact of the residual nano-silver in the environment.

Feb 25th, 2014

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On the road to Mottronics

'Mottronics' is a term seemingly destined to become familiar to aficionados of electronic gadgets. Named for the Nobel laureate Nevill Francis Mott, Mottronics involve materials - mostly metal oxides - that can be induced to transition between electrically conductive and insulating phases.

Feb 24th, 2014

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Revealing secrets of exploding clusters

The investigation of cluster explosion dynamics under intense extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) pulses has so far been limited to large scale facilities like free-electron lasers. In a recent publication it was shown that the research on clusters is now also possible with intense XUV pulses obtained in a laboratory-scale environment with a newly developed light source that makes use of the high-order harmonic generation process.

Feb 24th, 2014

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Nanotracer tester tells about wells

A tabletop device invented at Rice University can tell how efficiently a nanoparticle would travel through a well and may provide a wealth of information for oil and gas producers.

Feb 24th, 2014

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