Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Mother-of-pearl inspires super-strong material

This material, almost ten times stronger than a conventional ceramic, is the result of an innovative manufacturing process that includes a freezing step. This method appears to be compatible with large-scale industrialization and should not be much more expensive than the techniques already in use.

Mar 24th, 2014

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Hot nanoparticles for cancer treatments

Nanoparticles have a great deal of potential in medicine: for diagnostics, as a vehicle for active substances or a tool to kill off tumours using heat. ETH Zurich researchers have now developed particles that are relatively easy to produce and have a wide range of applications.

Mar 24th, 2014

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Unavoidable disorder used to build nanolaser

Scientists have discovered that imperfect nanostructures can offer entirely new functionalities. They have shown that imperfect optical chips can be used to produce 'nanolasers', which is an ultimately compact and energy-efficient light source.

Mar 23rd, 2014

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Surprising new way to kill cancer cells

Scientists have demonstrated that cancer cells - and not normal cells - can be killed by eliminating either the FAS receptor, also known as CD95, or its binding component, CD95 ligand.

Mar 21st, 2014

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New use for an old 'trouble maker'

A 'trouble maker' from a bygone method of glass production could find a new use as an optical diffuser in medical laser treatments, communications systems and household lighting.

Mar 21st, 2014

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