Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A transistor for light

A high-performance 'photonic transistor' that switches light signals instead of electronic signals could revolutionize optical signal processing.

Apr 25th, 2014

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Nanotechnology protects olive oil from counterfeiters

Just a few grams of the new substance are enough to tag the entire olive oil production of Italy. If counterfeiting were suspected, the nanoparticles added at the place of origin could be extracted from the oil and analysed, enabling a definitive identification of the producer.

Apr 24th, 2014

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Nanobubbles are superstable

Scientists have proven that the stability of nanobubbles is so high they remain stable even at the boiling point of water, triggering microdroplet nucleation.

Apr 24th, 2014

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When things get glassy, molecules go fractal

School children learn the difference between liquids and gases, but centuries of scholarship have failed to produce consensus about how to categorize glass. Now, combining theory and numerical simulations, researchers have resolved an enduring question in the theory of glasses, showing that their energy landscapes are far rougher than previously believed. The new model shows that molecules in glassy materials settle into a fractal hierarchy of states.

Apr 24th, 2014

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Successful companies founded by physicists often break the Silicon Valley model

A new AIP report, titled Physics Entrepreneurship and Innovation, is based on extensive interviews with 140 PhD physicists and other professionals who co-founded and work at some 91 startup companies in 14 states that were established in the last few decades. These companies are engaged in making medical devices, manufacturing tools, nanotechnology, lasers and optical devices, renewable energy technologies and other products.

Apr 24th, 2014

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Atomic switcheroo explains origins of thin-film solar cell mystery

Treating cadmium-telluride solar cell materials with cadmium-chloride improves their efficiency, but researchers have not fully understood why. Now, an atomic-scale examination of the thin-film solar cells has answered this decades-long debate about the materials' photovoltaic efficiency increase after treatment.

Apr 23rd, 2014

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