Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Physicists take quantum leap toward ultra-precise measurement

Physicists have overcome a major challenge in the science of measurement using quantum mechanics. The scientists developed a way to employ multiple detectors in order to measure photons in entangled states, with an experimental apparatus that uses a fiber ribbon to collect photons and send them to an array of 11 detectors. Their work paves the way for great advances in using quantum states to develop ultra-precise measurement technologies.

Jun 2nd, 2014

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Nanotechnology takes on diabetes

A sensor which can be used to screen for diabetes in resource-poor settings has been developed by researchers and tested in diabetic patients, and will soon be field tested in sub-Saharan Africa.

Jun 2nd, 2014

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Nanotubes laid out in stripes

New technologies can be realized with thin layers of carbon nanotubes. Now, researchers have examined a technique that creates such layers, gaining fresh insights.

Jun 2nd, 2014

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'Quadrapeutics' works in preclinical study of hard-to-treat tumors (w/video)

A new study reports the first preclinical tests for a novel anti-cancer technology called 'quadrapeutics' that converts current clinical treatments to instantaneously detect and kill only cancer cells. Quadrapeutics combines clinically available drugs, colloidal gold, pulsed lasers and radiation in a novel and safe micro-treatment that improved standard therapy by 17-fold against aggressive, drug-resistant tumors.

Jun 1st, 2014

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