Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Chemical sensor on a chip

They are invisible, but perfectly suited for analysing liquids and gases; infrared laser beams are absorbed differently by different molecules. This effect can for instance be used to measure the oxygen concentration in blood. This technique has now been miniaturized and implemented in the prototype for a new kind of sensor.

Jun 11th, 2014

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New nanocomposite protects from corrosion at high mechanical stress

Material researchers present a composite material which prevents metal corrosion in an environmentally friendly way, even under extreme conditions. It can be used wherever metals are exposed to severe weather conditions, aggressive gases, media containing salt, heavy wear or high pressures.

Jun 11th, 2014

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Einmaliger Einblick ins Molek�l

Prozesse, die auf atomarer Gr�ssenskala ablaufen, lassen sich nur mit den Gesetzen der Quantenmechanik genau beschreiben. Physikern der Universit�t W�rzburg ist es jetzt erstmals experimentell gelungen, den Zustand eines solchen quantenmechanischen Systems vollst�ndig zu erfassen.

Jun 11th, 2014

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Nanotechnology researchers develop 'onion' vesicles for drug delivery

Researchers have shown that a certain kind of dendrimer, a molecule that features tree-like branches, offers a simple way of creating vesicles and tailoring their diameter and thickness. Moreover, these dendrimer-based vesicles self-assemble with concentric layers of membranes, much like an onion.

Jun 10th, 2014

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