Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

The quantum dance of oxygen

Under extremely high pressure conditions oxygen molecules group into quartets and give rise to a 'dance of their magnetic moments'. This results in magnetic properties never previously observed in these conditions and in theory points to the existence of a new phase of the element, called epsilon 1.

Jul 7th, 2014

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Consider the 'anticrystal'

For the last century, the concept of crystals has been a mainstay of solid-state physics. Crystals are paragons of order; crystalline materials are defined by the repeating patterns their constituent atoms and molecules make. Now physicists have evidence that a new concept should undergird our understanding of most materials: the anticrystal, a theoretical solid that is completely disordered.

Jul 7th, 2014

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Drinkable 'nanojuice' could improve how doctors examine the gut

Researchers are developing a new imaging technique involving nanoparticles suspended in liquid to form 'nanojuice' that patients would drink. Upon reaching the small intestine, doctors would strike the nanoparticles with a harmless laser light, providing an unparalleled, non-invasive, real-time view of the organ.

Jul 6th, 2014

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Don't dump your excess nanomaterials - share them online

Nanosupply provides an easy and safe platform to source and share advanced materials for research and education. Their mission is to encourage collaboration, help researchers and science educators save time and money, and decrease research originated waste.

Jul 4th, 2014

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