Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Watching molecules 'dance' in real time

A new technique which traps light at the nanoscale to enable real-time monitoring of individual molecules bending and flexing may aid in our understanding of how changes within a cell can lead to diseases such as cancer.

Aug 12th, 2014

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Researchers prove stability of silicene

An international team of researchers has taken a significant step towards understanding the fundamental properties of the two-dimensional material silicene by showing that it can remain stable in the presence of oxygen.

Aug 12th, 2014

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Attack Ebola on a nanoscale

There is no known vac�cine, treat�ment, or cure for Ebola, which is con�tracted through the bodily fluids of an infected person or animal. But that doesn't mean there's not hope. In fact, researchers are cur�rently working on one pos�sible solu�tion for fighting Ebola and other deadly viruses: nanotechnology.

Aug 12th, 2014

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Venom nanoparticles get good buzz as potential cancer-fighter (w/video)

Bee, snake or scorpion venom could form the basis of a new generation of cancer-fighting drugs, scientists report. They have devised a method for targeting venom proteins specifically to malignant cells while sparing healthy ones, which reduces or eliminates side effects that the toxins would otherwise cause.

Aug 12th, 2014

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Ingested nanoparticles may damage liver

Nanoparticles in food, sunscreen and other everyday products have many benefits. But Cornell biomedical scientists are finding that at certain doses, the particles might cause human organ damage.

Aug 11th, 2014

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On the edge of graphene

Scientists have discovered that the conductivity at the edges of graphene devices is different to the central material.

Aug 11th, 2014

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