Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers use oxides to flip graphene conductivity

By demonstrating a new way to change the amount of electrons that reside in a given region within a piece of graphene, scientists have a proof-of-principle in making the fundamental building blocks of semiconductor devices using the 2D material.

Jan 26th, 2015

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Electronic circuits with reconfigurable pathways closer to reality

Will it be possible one day to reconfigure electronic microchips however we want, even when they are in use? A recent discovery suggests as much. The researchers have demonstrated that it is possible to create conductive pathways several atoms wide in a material, to move them around at will and even to make them disappear.

Jan 26th, 2015

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Researchers make magnetic graphene

Researchers have found an ingenious way to induce magnetism in graphene while also preserving graphene's electronic properties. They have accomplished this by bringing a graphene sheet very close to a magnetic insulator - an electrical insulator with magnetic properties.

Jan 26th, 2015

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