Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Building shape inspires new material discovery

Physicists inspired by the radical shape of a Canberra building have created a new type of material which enables scientists to put a perfect bend in light. The creation of a so-called topological insulator could transform the telecommunications industry's drive to build an improved computer chip using light.

Mar 24th, 2015

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Health-conscious concrete

Roads that self-repair, bridges filled with first-aid bubbles, buildings with arteries...not some futuristic fantasy but a very real possibility with 'smart' concrete.

Mar 23rd, 2015

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New technique could bring quality-control tool for nanocomposites

Layered nanocomposites containing tiny structures mixed into a polymer matrix are gaining commercial use, but their complex nature can hide defects that affect performance. Now researchers have developed a system capable of detecting such defects using a Kelvin probe scanning method with an atomic force microscope.

Mar 23rd, 2015

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